Creato Works, partnered with Silica, a leading Design Exam Preparation Institute from Mumbai and Pune, to undertake a transformative re-branding project. The goal was to modernize Silica's brand identity while reinforcing its position as a trusted guide for aspiring students.
After extensive research and brainstorming sessions, Creato Works proposed the concept of introducing a mascot to embody Silica's role as a mentor and guide in the design career journey. The mascot, portrays a wise and approachable professor holding a colorful pencil—a symbol of creativity and artistic expression.

The mascot serves as the personification of Silica's commitment to nurturing and guiding aspiring students towards success in their design careers. With his friendly demeanor and expertise, he inspires confidence and motivates them to unleash their creative potential.
Positioned as "Your Design Career Guide," Professor symbolizes Silica's dedication to providing comprehensive support and guidance to students throughout their design exam preparation journey.
SILICA Institute


SILICA Institute
