CES 2024 Hyundai DICE Mobility Brand film

01. DICE PnD module
​​​​​​​DICE utilizes Plug & Drive (PnD) modules for its movements. One notable advantage is its adaptability, allowing for seamless combination 
and adjustment of the number and size of modules based on the size of the device being integrated.

02. Lidar Sensor
Autonomous driving technology, enabled by LiDAR sensors, can adeptly navigate convex terrain, enhancing safety and efficiency. Moreover, 
ensuring passengers enjoy a comfortable ride entails selecting routes that prioritize smoothness and convenience. These crucial elements
have been carefully integrated, underscoring the meticulous design and functionality of the system.

The side stick, conveniently mounted on the armrest, seamlessly pops up, granting occupants the ability to take control and drive when desired.
This intuitive design feature enhances the overall user experience, offering flexibility and ease of use within the vehicle.

When danger is detected, both the curtain airbag and hug airbag activate simultaneously to protect the vehicle's occupants. This dual deployment underscores a strong dedication to passenger safety, as emphasized in the Digital Curated Experience by CarShor.

03. Eco-friendly Energy
DICE operates using hydrogen energy. As depicted in the accompanying photo, the PnD module is propelled by the power generated through 
the fusion of hydrogen from the rear-mounted hydrogen tank with externa.

04. PUI Ringpad
The conventional dashboard in vehicles has undergone a transformation into a user-facing interface known as the 'Ring Pad,' facilitated 
by advancements in AI and autonomous driving technology. This innovative interface incorporates features such as facial recognition, control pad, speaker integration, and airbag installation.

05. Curated Experience
When summoned via smartphone, DICE autonomously navigates to the user's location. Upon arrival, it identifies the user, opens the door,
and seamlessly transforms into a personalized space tailored to the user's preferences and information stored on the smartphone.

It assists users in crafting their desired environment and extends its functionality to monitoring their health status beyond mere preferences.

It delivers smooth and comfortable mobility while offering immersive digital experiences across diverse road conditions.




3d Production

Hyecheon Ji

3d Supervisor
Sungsoo Lee

3d Character
Youngwoo Cho

CES 2024 Hyundai DICE Mobility Brand film

CES 2024 Hyundai DICE Mobility Brand film

DICE (Digital Curated Experience) prioritizes passenger recognition, offering tailored services to meet individual preferences and needs. As a pe Read More
