Sam Pearce's profile

One Image a Day

Warrior of Ages
So this guy is my Warrior from a game i have been playing for a long Time, I decided to start with this guy and take screenshot and show the gear i have spent hours trying to get, I like the idea of how to everyone something is worth hours of there time..for me games are where as to others it would be a waste :) shows we are all different.
( 21 / 7 / 2014 )
Drawing with the niece.
My Sister had a baby and lives in Melbourne so I hardly see them however i was able to have dinner with them and my niece was drawing so i decided to draw with her and copied her pencils she had layed out next to her. She draws better then I do :(
( 22 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Old stomping grounds
I went to visit a friend where i use to live when i was younger and played soccer on this field, I remeber it being busy and full of people but now its a ghost town and all run down :( shows how times are changing but was good to see the goals still standing :)
( 23 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Sword in the stone
Watching some old 2d animation films i watched Sword in the stone, and remeber it as a kid and now watching it was terrible haha but i still like the concept of the film so decided to attempt to draw the sword in the stone.
( 24 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = weird street
So i like the " Fish eye " style distortion and wanted to try and create a street that had some kinda of cartoon bend or scaling that made it look normal but at the same time not normal? anyway my attempt was i guess ok, but my drawing skills are terrible. 
( 25 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Cycle of life
So I have always been interested in death, what happens, whats it feel like etc and I love stories about zombies and things that have come back from the dead and I also like seeing tree and plants as in some cases they die and show no life, fall apart, shrink but when the sun comes out they spring back to life and bloom and become beautiful again. I find it interesting how somthing that can appear so dead can yet again be so lovely.
( 26 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Start of a good day
So in the city its hard to see a nice view and sunset as there is buildings,smog and what ever else blocking the way and I went the the country and we were driving earlly morning and the sun come up and it was amazing, forgot just how beautiful some things can be.
( 27 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Slow motion 
In alot of movies for comic relief they do a slow motion run through a field of daisy's and I always laugh at it simply because to me the chances of running in daisy's in not likely and specially given the circumstance, so when i see a field like this full of flowers i always think about running through them in slo motion....But i dont cause everyone would think im wierd....but one day...
( 28 / 7 / 2014 )
title = Isolation 
So im starting to work on a INTRO cinematic for a company i want to start mainly to do with 3d models and special effects. and this is a frame of part of a test animation im rendering atm Im looking foward to seeing how it turns out :)
( 29 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Isolation The movie...
This is a 3d animation i created inside Blender, Just testing how the mountains look and the lighting.
I think it turned out ok but still need some work todo :)
( 30 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Rock n Roll
So I decided to go into my yard and try and use a rock and create a master piece. It didnt work :( it was alot hard then i thought to use a simple object and create somthing artistic. This was the end result after some attempts and time spent.
( 31 / 7 / 2014 )
Title = Duvel Candle
My favourite beer in the world is Duvel, I love it that much i turned a empty bottle into a candle. I wanted to try some effects using a black and white style image but just have the name in color and this is the result
( 1 / 8 / 2014 )
Tittle = One Glass to rule them all.
This is a Special glass, Its a Duvel Glass but has been created by a belgium artist for a competition some years ago and he won and they created his design on the glass. I was able to get a signed copy of his glass and he signed it to me with a personal little note. Only down side is i cant not use it incase it wash's off :(
( 2 / 8 / 2014 )
Title = Potjie cooking
I love cooking tradition foods, I have a Potjie which is a south african cast iron cooking pot. I created a Ox tail stew and it was amazing i had to share it. this is the result of 4 hours cooking over hot coals :) 
( 3 / 8 / 2014 )
Title = Holo-Monkey
Tried to make a holigram style material in my 3D software it turned out ok so now im going to make a small animation of it and maybe try to have it disapear :) I love learning new and simple things inside of Blender. Its my dream to be a freelance artist 
( 4 / 8 / 2014 )
Title = Hologram
Testing my hologram phasing in Blender, turned out ok, would do it maybe faster, but its great little effect :D
(5 / 8 / 2014 )
Title = Black sun
So Started using photoshop and enjoying changing and editing photos using different features and this i turned to B/W and played around with the levels of the light and contrast to try and give it a very dry look...not a mixed grey tone but either very dark or very light
Title = Freaky grass
This is a photo og a bush i have taken , using photosjop i played around with the Invert settings and also the color balance settings to try and even it out. I actualy really like this effect and would like to do more like it
(7/8/2014 )
Title - Prickly Xmas
as the title sudgest i got reminded by this plant of Xmas, not sure why but it did so i edited it photoshop, playing around with layers and the effect you can give the layers, I changed the color of one version and overlayed it with the orginal and was able to keep the green plant but give everything a red tinge in the back ground :) green + red = Xmas colors :D
Title - Peacefull Ducks
This image is great for me as i captured some ducks in a local river and in photoshop was able to play with the stylise effects, i found one that looked funky and when i overlayed it with the orginal it made it look really nice with the dull colors and blocky unclear image .
Tittle = Spring aproaches
Another photo i have taken at the lake and i played with the gradient tool in photoshop and when overlayed with the orginal i got this nice warm image that i loved . 
Title = Through the looking glass.
I used an effect on a boring image i took at the park and i overlayed it with the orginal and this was the result. I automatically liked it because i felt like i was looking through someone elses view, like you see in the movies or games when seeing what the other person sees its blury and distorted from the oustide in. 
Title - Sad leafs
So again in photoshop i was playing with the effects and come across one that allowed me to draw and drag on the image and make water style effects, i thought this is pretty cool so tried to draw the leafs melting or crying. tho now looking at it i think would have been better to just try to add " water" to the image as if it was raining on the lens
12 / 8 / 2014
title- Color selections
this is just a image that i made that i like as its not fancy or special in effects but reminds me of somthing easy and usefull i had no idea was there, in photoshop using the selection tool or mask tool, when you apply effects or adjust the image in a way, if u have a selection selected it will only effect it! i didnt know this :( such a simple thing but make exprimenting and creating things alot easier
13 / 8 /2014
Title  =  Mr Turtle
This is drawings i did in todays class, my art is shocking but i can understand the princibles of making art but also images in general have a better effect by making it tell a story.
14 / 8 / 2014
Title = Pink flower
A simple photo i took and using the color select tool in photoshop i was able to change and effect the color of the grass and green parts while keeping the flower the pink and purple color it was. then also using the color balance i was able to dull the other colors to help it stand out more :)
15 / 8 / 2014
title = Future plantlife
Ok so im still enjoying the color select tool! in this image i changed the purple plant to a bright green and dulled the rest of the image black and white , such a cool thing to be able to do for some many reasons. this is how i imaged alien plants to look like 
16 / 8/2014
Title = spooky tunnel
This image was fun to add painted objects into a photo, the orginal image i took you could see right through the tunnel and was bright and have some reflective puddles inside, i darkened the centre and used the " burn " tool on the image to help remove the brighness of the image , i then used the clone stamp tool to remove the puddles and then painted glowing eyes in the tunnel...although they seem really small...still fun to work on
17 / 8 /2014
title = Only way to see yourself.
OK so silly thought but i seen my shadow and thought to myself that i looked like peta pan...minus the hat, and thought i would do the peta pan pose as memory of robin williams. 
18 / 8/ 2014
Title = Extended Path
Ok so using the clone stamp tool once before was fun but i wanted to try it on somthing bigger and harder, so my original image this water entrance is half or if not less then that of this image here, using the clone stamp tool i was able to make it 2x its orginal length and then i had to clone stamp a few rocks and plants on the sides to make it blend in abit better. Was really surprised how easy it can be to re-create an image.
19 /9/ 2014
title = bloody river
I created a layer and used the overlay feature on the orginal image to give this stream a cool pink /red look, had to play with the oppacity settings and color balance but it come up good, Would be great to be able to animate this but not sure possible in photoshop.
20 /  8/  2014
Title - Image to Drawing
So I wanted to make an image i took come across like a drawing or painting. I had to play around for awhile till i got a good combination to work, creating a copy of the orginal and addeding a blur effect, and making it pretty strong , then overlay it with the oringal gave it a nice effect but it was to sharp, so had to give it another blur effect on the completed image to help smooth it out.
21 / 9 /2014
Title - lens flare this
So i had a photo i took of the sun with some tree's and i played around with the color balance to give it a green tinge but then discovered photoshop can add lens flars into an image! so i did the genral lens flare, placed it in the right area and it looks as if it was part of the orginal image! a good and easy way to add effect and feel to the image.
22 / 8 / 2014
Title = leafs for sale.
This was a fun image i attempted to copy and paste leaves around the place, the orginal image only had the 1 big leaf sticking up and i selected it and copied and placed 2 others near it and using the burn took tried to give it a shadow at the base to help it make it seem more realistic. i think it turned out ok.
23 / 8 / 2014
Title = Rose among thorns
Wanted to draw some tribal style patterns and attempted to draw a rose in the middle, Originally i wanted the tribal to wrap around the rose but got confused with the pattern so decided to just have it in the back. 
Title = The Sad Bush
Again in photoshop testing out the layers and effects, this time I tried using the " Hard light " filter over the orginal image and then used the levels to make it have a crisp outline and then turned it black and white and played with the colors to create this sad image but has some clear detail while the back of the image is blury and i feel it looks nice.
( 25 / 8 / 2014)
Titel - Mushroom king
Drawing comic stlyle characters i remeber when i was younger seeing a mushroom style one so I tried to draw a mushroom with eyes and a mout and added a few extra mushrooms around it with some grass. I was thinking of coloring it but i like the art rough outline style of this so decided to leave it as is.
( 26 / 08 / 2014 )
Title = To fast, to furious
Tried to edit a photo i had taken by copying a car in the image and pasting it into the scene. I tried to lasso the 4wd and past it in the middle of the road, it worked out ok but had troubles with the tyres which kills the realism but was fun to cut it out, paste it, scale it up, create a new layer and paid on some shadows on the ground. 
Title = Boring to Interesting
The orginal photo i took was terrible as it was a cloudy day and all colors were boring and dull. using photoshop i experimented with 3 layers of the orginal image, each layer had a different effect placed on it and in the end i got this kind of cool colored looking image. although at first was extremly sharp and the outlines were terrible on the flowers/branches so i changed the opacity of one of the layers which evened it out.
Title = Escape to Freedom.
So again trying to draw, and decided to go for a 3d feel and started by making a hole in the brick wall and added hills and a tree and some birds in the background, i wanted to give that feeling of breaking through somthing to get to a happy ending. 
Title = cracks no more.
Trying to do more "photo corection" and a photo i have taken of these trolley's the yellow Zebra crossings under it where completly cracked and faded. I decdied to fix the middle one and try to make it look new or complete atleast. AS you can see compared to the other2 that have alot of cracks, the middle one looks nice and clean. I used the clone stamp tool and finished it off with abit of burn tool to try and blend it together.
Title = Fluro Absinthe
again testing out photoshop features and I come across the "Find edges" option under Filter and it gave me a really cool outline and color effect, so I set the layer to "screen" screen mode over the orginal and it gave me this nice deep purple effect on the glass which I felt looked great.
Title= Good times
Just a shot I took while having thursday dinner with some friends, I like this shot as it has a variety of colors from the drinks and reflections from the glass and gives a happy vibe.
1 / 9 / 2014
Title = Got wood?
had to do some house cleaning so took a pitcure of the kitchen table and got nice depth of field on the image so i tried to blue and change everything but the very front leg of the stool. i got it to really pop out which makes me wonder if i could make this a 3d image.
( 02/09/2014)
Title = Predator 
One of my favourite films is Predator , watched it when i was a kid and fell in love with his gear and style of enemey he is so decided to try and draw his Head, turned out ok for my skill level.
Tittle = Untold warrior
Created a spartan style warrior to maybe model later in my 3d program. Not a fan of drawing so not happy with this image but got to start somewhere i guess.
Tittle = Lonley park
I took this image during out class today in the near by Park, The main thing from this image i liked is the seat orginaly had no leaves on it and was clean, but i grabed a handfull and placed ontop to give the image more story and feeling. Comparing this to the image i took with no leaves it make a big difference with such a little thing todo in the scene. 
Tittle = Dead feelings
For some reason this photo turned out amazing considering it was taken by a smart phone thats near 4 years old. I really love the detail and clarity and even the colors and is by far one of the best images I feel I have taken to date.
Tittle = Never to old for love
This image is simple but its more the fact this old couple was walking together through a park and it made me feel happy seeing such a old couple still together and enjoying life. 
Tittle =  A friend in need
So this is a photo I have taken recently and im uploading this not to repeat myself but I created it for a friend who was feeling abit depressed and alone and needed some cheering up so I got a chance to learn abit more about the text feature inside of photoshop and blending effects. Also had to think of somthing cleve to say that could be related to old dead leaves but i think it turned out ok. She really loved it which is the main thing.
Title= Roses are red
This is just somthing i was trying out with my smartphone, working on making a black and white photo but have just one color shine through, in this case the color red. So as you can see I found a rose garden, and everything is black and white except the roses. The clarity tho of the image isnt the best, but I think this effect could be used to create some really quick and easy effects
Title= Flower power
In this image i tried to have the centre of the flower in focus and all the edges slightly blurred. It kinda of worked tho some of the blur effect also effects the main flower which I think takes away the power of the image. This effect is great to really push what the view will see and be drawn to focus on.
Title = Old school is the best school.
In the Brisbane Gardens i found this really nice little section which reminded me of somthing you would see in a old film or fantasy film like Harry potter. That been said i wanted to make a image the looked like the old days. The main part to do this was overlaying a "dirty" old camera style effect and turning my image black and white and adjusting the levels so was more towards the brighter end. I feel the image come out pretty good and would be great to do a Film or short video and add this effect to it.
Title = Grass is greener on the other side
This image is a tileable image at 1024x1024, I went and took a picture of some grass, and it took a few attempts to realise what i needed to look for when i took the grass, as when it comes time to edit it the colors/shadows/leaves and other things on the grass made it hard to make it tileable. SO this one is my final version and it works really well! and looks good in my opinion. very happy, 
Title- Hitting the old brick wall
So trying to do another tileable image i decided to attempt somthing harder and make a brickwall. not as good as my previous grass image but i did learn abit about how to make a decent tileable image, 1 major part is when you are cropping the perfect square section to work with from the oringal image, make sure the corners match up as best as possible. 
Title = the Invisible Lizard
This image i got to play and learn the "quick Selection tool " which is very powerful and is now one of my favourite tools! to practise with it, this was an image i had taken and had a lizard sitting on the rock, a big one at that, its head was up the top of the stone and the tail was at the green leaves. I was able to select him, mask him out and invert it so i could see the rest of the image and not the lizard, then using the Clone stamp tool was able to copy / paint rock parts where he was. very cool.
Title = Prickly effect
A nice image I have taken of a Cactus and gave it a nice yellow tinge to it, using the "find edges" option in photoshop i was able to create on another layer an image that really brings out its prickles? or thorns....and overlaying it and changing and adjusting the levels of the image was able to mix it to make it have a nice effect.
Title= comic parliament 
so as some of us feel the parliament is a joke and what not i thought i would attempt to make this image look like it was out of a comic. I had to change the colors and HUE values alot to get a really bright colors, and also make sure the shadows were not to dark . over all I think its ok for the effect I was going for.
Title = tileable Bark
Another tileable image, created some bark using the crop function, then ofset , then clone stamp tool to remove the lines.
Title = sky reflections
This image is a favourite of mine, it gives the feeling of looking an object being really large and high into the sky when in real fact is tiny and maybe only 6ft. Getting down low and aimng upwards gave me the nice shot and in photoshop i added a Lens flar to help have a slightly more realistic touch to it .
Title = Be cool, Be oakley
Today in class we had to pick an item we had and make a slogan and a image that would be placed on a billboard. my group liked my idea/slogan so we went with it. I had blue oakley glases so the blue is where i got the word " cool " from. and my billboard idea was to have the actual glasses made out of ice. and this was my attempt of drawing it.
Title = completley plastered
Created another tileable image, Im enjoying make them as i can use them in my 3d modeling that I am currently doing so it goes hand in hand. Although i find some images that have certain patterns can be very hard to do a decent tileable image. practise makes perfect tho.
Title = The end
Just a quick last image before handing in and completing thhis first assignment. I like the text options you can do in photoshop so using the drop shadow in blending option created a nice shadow from the text and made the text "overlay" so it would mix with the orginal image of the tiles. Was a fun experiance doing an image a day.
One Image a Day

One Image a Day

Doing 1 image a day using a Variety of creative art styles


Creative Fields