Nana Kulykova's profile

Character Design CY

Cy´s World
Cy lives on a different planet or in a future where technology has greatly advanced. Scientists have established that safe human transformation is possible, but it requires contact with and proper use of a rare substance known as poxonium. This liquid is rare and hard to get. It's the only safe way for humans to combine their DNA with that of a specific animal without getting hurt. A group of scientists sees this as an opportunity to get rich and famous. They are willing to use illegal ways to do it. While they don't have a proper name yet, they play an important role in the story.

Cy´s Backstory
As a small child, Cy accidentally came into contact with a large amount of poxonium. As a result, he gained the ability to transform into a fox-like creature whenever he wants.
 When his parents noticed something unusual about him, they asked every available doctor in the country for help, but no one knew what the cause was. After months of struggle, his parents gave up and decided it would be easier to lie to him. They told him that everyone could transform, but they keep their transformed forms hidden as it is very private, and such things shouldn't be shown to strangers nor to close friends. So he kept his ability a secret.
Character Description
Cy isn't the brightest individual. His grades are below average, and he shows no interest in improving them. The only school aspects he enjoys are PE and his friends. Although his friend group is small, it's pure.
 Despite him being lazy in school, Cy is ambitious about things he loves, which include sweets, a girl, video games, and doing absolutely nothing.
Additionally, he has a passion for speed, especially things that can go fast. Therefore, the newest flying hoverboard became his obsession as soon as he heard about it.

Story plot
 The group of scientists I mentioned earlier needs to do a lot of research before using their funding on a small bottle of poxonium. However, they can't obtain the necessary results without it. Instead after noticing  Cy's abnormality they decide to send a bugged hoverboard to his front porch to monitor him for their research.
 As a naive and broke teenager, whose father ignored his begging for the new hoverboard, Cy was thrilled to find a shiny new board on his porch. Unaware of the potential consequences, he gave in to his desire to speed along the highway in his fox form. However, his plan didn't go as expected, and he was caught by his best friend.
His friend´s suspicion is the reason they discovered the bugs on the hoverboard. Later in the story, he plays a significant role in exposing the evil group of scientists.​​​​​​​
Cy has been living in my head since I was about 9 years old. I created him while sitting in the back of our car, gazing out the window. I really liked the Pokémon Espeon, which inspired Cy's original design. Initially, he was just a fox, jumping from house to house, racing alongside our car as I watched. As I grew older, he evolved into more of a human figure, ultimately becoming a 17-year-old boy who can transform into a fox-like creature. I sometimes still imagine him  jumping from house to house and doing backflips off cars. He holds a special place in my heart, having been a part of my life for so long.​​​​​​​
Character Design CY


Character Design CY
