Nextgen is an event for 2nd year students from the Teesside University, which courses are related to Web & Multimedia. On this event the students are supposed to display a showcase of a particular work they have done in the past, either academic or professional, to potential employers, lecturers and another students. 
This project was to prototype a new design for their website during a module of the university, where we were supposed to focus on a particular feature of the system. I decided to focus on the search system, trying to design it in a way that it contains a significant amount of features without overloading the page visually. 
My solution was a hidden tab that flips when clicked on the search button, animated using css with hardware acceleration. 
Link to the project:
NextGen Website

NextGen Website

Prototype design for the NextGen website created for the module Industry-Focused Development, at Teesside University


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