Lychee | 1170 x 2532 px.
Project specifically commissioned to be the wallpaper of an iPhone lock screen.
This commission required first of all studying the sizes of the iPhone screen and its elements, for positioning the subject and every other part of the image in the right place. After that, I sketched some compositions: I chose one of them, and I draw a clean line-art from it, ready to be filled with the color.
I always start from flat colors, and I spend a lot of time working on this step: a good base can prevent further problem in the work flow. After that, I simply worked on the contrasts, on the shadows and the lights, to make the image tridimensional and 'catchy'.
This is the final result. It's a little size image, but I always work on 600/900 dpi to be able to stretch the image without loosing quality.


