Petrache Stefan's profile

FC Voluntari - Fotbal

FC Voluntari - 2020 In 2020, I embarked on a collaboration with FC Voluntari, which turned out to be short-lived. Personally, I would have liked this collaboration to be more extensive, as I fully grasped the concept and managed to set things in motion at a beneficial pace. 

What did I learn from collaborating with FC Voluntari? I learned to be receptive to colleagues' ideas and to go through a brainstorming process together to reach a final product that is as satisfying as possible for the general public. Additionally, I always managed to meet deadlines, which, unlike Tebon, were not as short and not necessarily mandatory. Time pressure prompted me to organize my virtual workspace more efficiently and structure photo-video materials in a logical and easily accessible manner. Collaborating with the FC Voluntari team, 

I learned to work with a limited color palette, viewing this aspect as a challenge. I believe I managed to bring added value to a brand that represents an entire community, and the sense of belonging always had a significant influence on my creations.

 Another novelty in this collaboration was the inclusion of various sponsors and partners in materials intended for online publication. Attention to these details is crucial in long-term collaborations with any sponsors. 

Working alongside the FC Voluntari team, I noticed that my graphic representations reflected the life of the entire Sports Club, including the second team (FC Voluntari II from the third league), the women's team, the junior teams, as well as the life of the staff and all those involved in such a large project. 

The most important lesson I learned in this collaboration is to be open to receiving feedback on what I'm working on and to accept that if the final product is not entirely to my liking, it doesn't necessarily mean that the final visual aspect is a failure.

After this experience, I learned that what I create in Photoshop (and other related tools), along with my colleagues' input, represents the product of the entire team, not just the result of my work.
FC Voluntari - Fotbal


FC Voluntari - Fotbal


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