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A long text of 10,000 words, four-stage cashier design

A long text of 10,000 words, four-stage cashier design
Every day we complete various transactions through various checkout counters. A smooth experience may make you feel that payment is just a checkout counter. I want to design a checkout counter with a HE Tuber good experience in different scenarios. Let’s take a look at the introduction of this article together.

Every day we complete various transactions through various checkout counters. A smooth experience may make you feel that payment is just a checkout counter. However, good products are all the same, bad products are all weird, and many checkout counters with poor experience will make you think "Why can't even a page be done well?" Today I will introduce to you a standard version of the checkout counter product. By understanding the standard form, you can draw inferences and design a checkout counter with a good experience in different scenarios.
[Old rule, if you find it simple or long-winded, just turn to the end to read the summary]

1. Introduction to payment cashier

1. Cashier terminal

The purpose of the payment terminal is to provide users with a good operating experience through scene adaptation, and to ensure user payment security.

1) Scene adaptation

Nowadays, there are many transaction scenarios such as mobile phones, counters, self-service equipment, and websites, so it is necessary to provide cashiers that adapt to various scenarios for customers to use
2) Operation experience

The original payment methods
 are interfaces that require technical development, so various terminal pages are needed to ensure a smooth user experience, so as to bring better payment conversion rates to merchants.

3) Payment security

Payment security mainly includes two aspects. On the one hand, it ensures the security of user payment by adding "password, face brush, fingerprint, security certificate" and other methods. On the other hand, through the binding of "terminals and channels", the opportunities for routing arbitrage by intermediaries and service providers are reduced .

2. Cashier payment method

Behind a simple and easy-to-use cashier is the "payment method", and behind the payment method is the packaging of the payment products provided by the payment channel. On the one hand, the function of the payment method is to show the user what payment channels he can use, and on the other hand, it improves the user's payment efficiency and experience through packaging such as wallets, QR codes, and facial recognition.
The payment method has gone through a relatively long development process from cash to QR code. All payment methods have developed from the early over-the-counter cash transactions such as cards, discounts, wire transfers, and letter transfers. The ones that can carry out online and mobile payments are mainly divided into three categories: "card base, account base, and barcode".

1. Card-based payment

Card-based payment refers to the form of payment using bank cards as the medium. This is also the most basic payment method. As long as you have a debit card or credit card, you can pay.
1) POS card swiping
This is the earliest electronic payment method and an offline payment method. POS machines allow you to pay with cards in offline stores and supermarkets. Later, products such as hand swiping and smart POS payment evolved.
2) Quick payment
This is the earliest mobile payment method. Online payment and consumption can be carried out by binding the card online. It is also the most popular payment product for mobile payment, because it can get rid of the shackles of physical cards and pay conveniently through mobile phones.

3) Online banking payment

In the early days of online banking payment, you needed to jump to the bank's online banking through a PC to make large payments. Now online banking payment has gradually begun to develop in a mobile direction. Traditional PC-based online banking is more commonly used in large-amount payments and corporate payments.
Although card-based payment played a role in promoting early mobile payments, it is not very convenient to use. For POS card payment, you need to bring your bank card with you. For quick payment, you need to bind the card to different platforms. For online banking payment, you need to install it. Encryption plug-in or carry U-shield. Therefore, account-based payment came into being.

2. Account base payment

The account-based payment method is mainly a wallet account packaged in a bank account, a payment account, and a digital currency account. This payment method relies on a large number of real-name authentication user systems on the Internet payment platform. Through the account system they provide, users do not need to undergo cumbersome real-name authentication after merchants access it, and can directly make purchases.
For example, e-commerce platforms generally have access to payment products such as WeChat, Alipay, and Cloud QuickPass. Since users have completed their real names, the transaction conversion rate is very high.

3. Barcode payment

This mainly refers to the integrated payment method for online order codes, offline machines, code plates, etc. for various QR codes. Of course, it is essentially a deep aggregate packaging of bank cards and accounts. The QR code here is divided into three forms according to the "merchant" and "user" dimensions.
Merchant static code : This is a QR code generated from the merchant number of the payee. It is mainly used to make static code plates, cloud speakers and other forms. The user scans the code and enters the amount for payment. This QR code is suitable for making aggregate codes and supports many APP to pay.
Merchant order code : This is a QR code generated based on the product order received by the merchant. The user can pay directly according to the order without entering the amount. This type is mainly used on self-service equipment and websites for users to pay.
User payment code : It is a payment code generated based on the user's payment account. The merchant uses a code scanner or box to scan the payment code displayed on the user's APP to complete the payment.

A long text of 10,000 words, four-stage cashier design

A long text of 10,000 words, four-stage cashier design


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