You know the deal: the demon code prevents (me) from declining a rock-off challenge! “There are only five rock musicians that have met the devil: Robert Johnson at the crossroads, Ralph Macchio in the movie ‘Crossroads’, Jimmy Page, Ronny James Dio, and Tenacious D,” mused Jack Black.

They’ve got the mettle to survive Post-Apocalypto which features in the first half of their show. A massive curtain served as a massive screen for the Cliff Notes version of the album, delivered as 40 minutes of cartoon madness. All hand-drawn by Black – the film is full of dicks, and two-headed dog – interrupted every now, and then by The D silhouetted against the screen. The show’s visuals were dynamic, and original. The projected animation periodically came in throughout the performance, incorporating entertaining clips that drove the story in the songs. 

The second half of the show is “the hits” – an onslaught of nostalgia that reminds me of what drew fans to the band in the beginning! The energy from the stage matches the frantic comedy in the sketches, film, and HBO show.
“Anybody see ‘The Pick of Destiny? Well, where were you when it came out? Because it was a bomb, dude. It almost killed us.” — Jack Black
Made this tutorial explaining how I made the carousel for Instagram.
Tenacious D


Tenacious D


Creative Fields