More than 1,000 photographs and many hours of patience and delicacy… This is how we made the booktrailer for La Chica de Verano, the bestseller by @lavecinarubia, published by Libros Cúpula.
The magic of the book trailer
In recent years, booktrailer has become a powerful tool for booksellers and publishers, in a world dominated by images and speed. Thus, literature manages to connect with the digital generation. The booktrailer has become a piece with its own, unique life, which creates interpretive bridges between what the books suggest to us, writer’s reality and reader’s reality.
It is not about telling the story or the plot of the story, but about doing suggestive work that generates a crazy desire in the reader to read the book: offering readers a new vehicle to experience the story.
And what is more suggestive and experiential than stop motion? Return to frame by frame, to manual work, to the slow, patient creative process… Emulate the creative process of the writer in the creation of the book trailer.
To read an unknown book and to immerse yourself in the author’s world. To look back and to delve into the previous two books of the trilogy. To feel you are part of the story to transmit in images the sensations that the writer’s words draw in your world as a reader.
To work with real, organic materials; to feel the texture of the paper, the wood, the smell of freshly figs… To try to convey frame by frame, with each small movement, all sensations that emerge in your skin when you read each word.
The love of manual work
Working with your hands! To notice the passing of the hours in your fingers, in your eyes, on your back… But to savor too every little movement you create from nothing. To give life to a sensitive story full of nuances, to create a unique piece, made by hand.
La Chica del Verano

La Chica del Verano


Creative Fields