All the sketches in this folder have been useful to draw my first illustrated video!
The leaf flies on Arezzo and Firenze, where it meets eggs that once opened up, gave life at the three musicians. Each one met during his own road an instrument. Finally they found the common road made by music and nature.
The concept, the movements and the color palette have been studied ad hoc for LoSbarcoSullaLuna.
I'm Glad to have realized their feelings,  now have a look on the result:
Once upon a time one egg..two...not..three eggs!
The musician runs following the leaf
The guitar!
The Voice
The drumer!
The lunaria! 
Arezzo skyline...
Logo sketch
This is the first idea produced during a too long night!
The MuSicianS

The MuSicianS

LoSbarcoSullaLuna is an acoustic band. It plays cover and personal songs. The main goal of this project is to create a graphic novel to tell th Read More
