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Photography Fundamentals For Beginners

Photography Fundamentals For Beginners
As a beginner in photography, here are a few fundamental tips to help you get started:

1. Composition: Pay attention to how you frame your subjects within the shot. Explore the rule of thirds, leading lines, and symmetry to create visually appealing compositions.

2. Lighting: Understand how light affects your photos. Experiment with different lighting conditions, such as natural light or artificial lighting, and learn to use it to enhance your subjects.

3. Focus: Ensure your subject is sharp and in focus. Practice using autofocus or manually adjusting the focus to achieve the desired result.

4. Exposure: Learn about exposure settings, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Experiment with different combinations to control the brightness, depth of field, and motion in your photos.

5. Camera Settings: Familiarise yourself with your camera's settings and features. Explore shooting modes, white balance, and shooting in RAW format for more control during post-processing.

6. Composition (pt.2): Experiment with different angles and perspectives. Get low, shoot from above, or try different vantage points to add variety and interest to your photos.

7. Post-Processing: Learn basic photo editing techniques to enhance your images. Adjustments like cropping, brightness/contrast, and colour correction can significantly improve the final result.

Remember, above all else, practice is key to improving your photography skills. Take lots of photos, experiment, and have fun along the way!
Photography Fundamentals For Beginners


Photography Fundamentals For Beginners


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