Peachtober 2023
An instagram art challenge hosted by @furrylittlepeach

Every year @furrylittlepeach hosts an art challenge in October. She provides a list of prompts for artists to create for every day of October leading up to Halloween. This year is the first year I attempted the challenge and am proud to say I completed 27 works within October 2023.

   The prompt list
    Prompt list designed and created by @furrylittlepeach

My plan
When coming up with an idea for this I really wanted all of the posts to be        connected. I wanted it to look like one big piece in the end when looking at my Instagram page. Also considering this I didn't want it to be all out of order when I posted something new. This meant I had to create one line rather than rows of 3. The idea was to create a continuous street with each prompt being a building.

I created a character to be the focus in each image and to create a story of her walking along the street. I created a side character to be introduced on the prompt "sidekick" as he would become the main characters sidekick in the story. 

My Favourites 
Below are a few of my favourite pieces before getting to the entire collection.

I had a lot of fun creating these buildings and I would love to do some more with thought out logos for each building. I created all of these with a maximum of 2 hours after work. I missed 2 prompts "nest" and "ship" but I did add a little hint of these in "garden". Overall, I'm proud I was able to complete all of these and it was fun to experiment more with illustration. Below are all of the art works and how they show up on my Instagram. Feel free to check out my Instagram here @bylarajane to get some more details on each piece.  
Peachtober 2023


Peachtober 2023
