Radhika Gupta's profile

Guided Treewalk, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Guided Treewalk
This was a project that I did during my 5 week internship at ANET- Andaman and Nicobar Islands' Environmental Team. 
ANET has a 5 acre propery with over 40 speices of trees that were either originally found there or planted there. The special thing about these trees is that they represent the flora of the islands in a way, as most of them are native or endemic to the islands. The guided treewalk provides a visitor to the property with a map of the property with each of the trees marked along side the routes. 

The map is a foldable A3 paper which first gives an introducation to using the map. It also mentions the different kind of fauna that can be looked for around the property. As it unfolds, there are illustrations of 14 different speices of birds that are found on the property. 
On further unfolding the map, one will see the routes they can take on the entire property. Each route is marked by the tree speices numbers in shape of leaves. One will also find the 14 birds around the map to be able to spot them. The most exciting part about the map is illustrations of each of the buildings on the property with detailed description about their construction and purpose.  


The booklet goes hand in hand with the map and gives visitors information to each of the corresponding trees. It contains illustrations ranging from fruit, seeds, leaves, to branches or stems. Each tree has information on description, distribution and uses of the trees. There is a tile at the bottom of each page of a tree that has a picture of the bark. It helps in identifying the tree by looking at the patterns and color of the bark and also mentions the wood type. 
At the end there is a glossary, a note on the contributors of this book and the vision of the trees at ANET.  
I had a lot of fun photographing different parts of the trees. I later wished that I had done a photo journal instead of an illustrated guide. May be some other time... 
Gurjan seed
Amberoi seed
Pandanus fruit
That's all from the islands for now, thanks for viewing! 
This project was designed by me for and with the help of ANET
Guided Treewalk, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Guided Treewalk, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

This is a booklet and map of trees that are found on the property of ANET- Andaman and Nicobar Islands' Environmental Team
