Heart of Abrau

Heart of Abrau

This year, while repairing the tunnels, a magical glow was discovered. A mysterious object that fills everything around with vital energy. From it grow the roots of a grapevine, which spreads throughout the land of Abrau-Durso. With these words, the guides of the Abrau-Durso tourist complex begin the story about the new interactive object “Heart of Abrau”.
The complex installation was supposed to be installed in one of the historical wine tunnels. The source of the image was the magical nature of the Waitomo Cave in New Zealand, where thousands of fireflies live in their natural environment.
We wanted to go beyond artistic immersion, becoming a part of the Abrau-Durso landscape, evoking a feeling of harmony and unity with nature in the heart of every viewer.

    General: Kuflex Studio
    Decoration: 4K Pro

Heart of Abrau