Stef Boot's profile

Historical Map Georeferencing: Uppsala (GIS)

Georeferencing and Digitising a Historical Map, Uppsala 2022-01-23
This work consist of georeferencing a historical paper map from 1852, and transfer information from this to a new digital map.
Scan of original map.
Same map now georeferenced (towards a digital reference map). 

Next phase: transfer info from a specific area (black square) from the old map to a new digital map.
Digital map displaying the area including properties of 13x plots: id, borders and m2. The properties are now stored digital and can be used for parcelling in modern contexts or in cross-analysis with other data etc.

Primary Tools Used in the Work Process

• data collection & scanning
• georeferencing
• manual polygon drawing
• attribute table work
• data merge
• symbology & design

Historical Map Georeferencing: Uppsala (GIS)


Historical Map Georeferencing: Uppsala (GIS)
