Logo Design - Lintas Bayang Photo
Real Project

Logo Designer 

Branding Overview
High-quality photographic and videographic services for couples. Based on the couple's story couples to conceptualize with simple, emotional and storytelling moments. Plus color tones that are beautiful that matching to the storytelling and emotional.

Branding Challenge
The brand want logo that gives the impression of being simple, elegant, and meaningful. The brand wants clients who value stories and emotions.

Branding Process
1. Sketch
A logo starts from the process of choosing the symbol and letter that represents the brand. Then, it goes into the sketch process to get the best logo sketches

2. Digitalization
The best logo sketches are immediately digitized in Adobe Illustrator and create logo guidelines to make it easier to use the logo.

Lintasbayang Photo Logo


Lintasbayang Photo Logo
