Oluwapelumi Yakub's profile

Content Strategist | Content Manager Portfolio

Welcome to my Portfolio! I am Hannah O. Yakubu and these are my work projects. 
About Me
Content management has become my utmost interest, with passion in media marketing, content writing,  social media and content strategy. I specialize in web blog posts, email marketing, graphic design, content creation, video-editing and SEO. My proficiency extends to the use of digital marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Hootsuite, WordPress, Canva, and CapCut and project management tools such as Bitrix24, Asana, Slack, Google workspace and Basecamp. 
Ads Insight, Followers and Engagements Growth
BRAND: Sharpstone Jewelry Store. Lagos, Nigeria 
Sharpstone Jewelry is a luxury accessory brand that specializes in the sales of Moissanite Jewelries, Diamond stoles, Gold and Sterling silver metals.
Brand Page on Instagram: Sharpstoneng
I influenced a visible increase in Instagram followership and account reach, through strategic ads and content targeting as illustrated in the insight image above, resulting in a total of 30% increase in followership within five months (88,000 -114,000) and 14% increase in 90 days (100,000-114,000). I earned a promotion to Content Manager and Content Marketer in 5 months, overseeing the brand's content cycle.
Graphics Design: Fliers and Infographics 
BRAND: RKY Careers ED-tech Consulting. London, United Kingdom.
RKY Careers is a UK based Ed-tech company known for its outstanding influence in helping hundreds of career individuals into transitioning into tech careers across the United Kingdom, US, and Nigeria.

I handled the brand's social media page between Jul 2022 till Aug 2023. I orchestrated the posting template and created fliers, videos, content, and captivating captions that resonated with the brand's target audience and drove engagement by creating a post structure that fits into the career industry style. The images illustrate a few flier designs, and caption posts and some videos created can be found below.
Creative videos for RKY Careers Social Media Career Campaigns
Brand: ImpactHer. Lagos Nigeria
ImpactHer is a woman empowerment platform, an NGO helping SME businesses owned by women get revived, sponsored, and increase growth women businesses, through digital training on how to grow and upscale their brand, self, and business.
I created campaign videos for the brand during special events and these videos were delivered in timely hours for reviews and scheduling on the social media platforms. The video above is one of the approved campaign videos that drove successful social media traffic.
Influencer Partnership: Influencer Brief For Sun King Solar Energy 
An influencer brief document for Sun King Solar Power Energy Brand is attached to this portfolio, kindly view the attachment to see the brief. 
Objective of the Influencer Brief: Successfully crafted a comprehensive brief for a Nigerian influencer engaged in promoting the PowerHub to our target audience of middle-class families. The selected influencer, a mother of three who shares her motherhood experiences on her blog, has been provided with a detailed script highlighting the benefits of the Sun King Solar Inverter. The script emphasizes how the product simplifies her mornings, eliminating the need to wake up her children in the dark during power cuts. Furthermore, it accentuates the financial savings from not using a petrol generator, which she invests in her new makeup business. The communication style integrates a mix of global English with some Nigerian pigin for added impact. The negotiated rate has been settled, paving the way for the influencer to contribute to our promotion goals. The influencer's website and social media channels can be found at https://www.youtube.com/@VivianOkezie.
Digital Marketing Strategy Creation 
Created Social Media Marketing strategy for several brands, with keen focus on how to structure the brand content to create increased engagement with her audience, attract more audience, have a successful campaign, and a good return on ads budget and investment. Digital marketing strategy documents are attached on this portfolio for two brands. 
BRAND A: RKY Careers Consulting.
Successfully crafted a comprehensive Marketing Plan for the upcoming Compliance & KYC Training Course campaign (document can be found in attachment). The plan outlines a strategic approach to promote and launch the training course, encompassing various marketing channels and tactics. Key components include target audience identification, value proposition development, promotional strategies, budget allocation, and performance metrics. The plan is designed to effectively communicate the benefits of the training course, generate interest, and drive enrollments.
BRAND B: Sun King Solar Energy.
Successfully developed an integrated marketing strategy (document can be found in attachment) for the promotion, encompassing a comprehensive approach across both online and offline channels. The allocated advertising budget of $1,000 USD has been strategically utilized for targeted promotions on Sun King’s Nigeria-specific social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and our upcoming Twitter page. In a concise overview of 500 words or less, the proposed promotional and advertising strategy has been articulated, outlining key tactics and approaches to maximize the impact of the campaign.
Content Plan and Social Media Calendar
Created various social media content calendars for brands, a few brands social media calendars can be found attached in this portfolio. 
Brand A: ImpactHer
Brand B: Sharpstone Jewelry Store 
Content Writing, Newsletter and Web Blog Posts
Wrote 25 blog posts for Bloom Hair Atelier, Holistic Haircare salon website in 6 months and a total of 12 Newsletters within 6 months with a frequency of two newsletters in a month. 
Wrote a total of 45 blog posts for RKY Careers within 9 months with a frequency of 3 blog posts sent out in a month. 
Links to written blog posts and newsletters can be found below. 
• https://bloomhairatelier.com/are-protective-hairstyles-really-protective/
• https://bloomhairatelier.com/the-truth-about-hair-trimming/
• https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=d32fae49aa8a6c0ab958a78f9&id=562a3f9b4e
• https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=d32fae49aa8a6c0ab958a78f9&id=2b8145ed33
Content Strategist | Content Manager Portfolio