Hatred Born Project
 Hatred Born is a project done mainly to test my skills on creating concepts and making sense with them. The Hatred Born are a group of monks that follows the tiger spirit of the mountains. They keep the balance between the spirits and the humans. 
 The choice of name "Hatred Born" is because I wanted something to do with finding peace of mind and controling negative feelings to do good things, I think I went a little too abstract with this and didn't manage to find a good way to fit everything nicely, so I just went with monks that look scary but are good.
Final concepts
Initial Brainstorm
First I was deciding what the base monk should look like, I wanted everything to have the image of the tiger around it, firstly because tigers are my favorite animals, and secondly because I thought tigers and monks together made sense for the initial idea of rage and getting control of bad feelings to be a better being.
Testing mask designs, wanted the mask look like a tiger skull (or any big feline)   
After locking on a design, I went to color choice
Since the monks are supposed to live on a snowy place, I decided on white and a brown
Final design for the base monk
The Mask Maker, the second monk I did for the project. This time I have a theme and a base design to base myself on. The theme is, obviously, making masks, so I gave him a lot of masks, tools to make them and a cool hat.
testing designs
Final design

"The Hatred Born follow the image of the tigers, as it can be seen by their masks, sculpted by the Mask Maker. The masks represents devotion to the giant spirit tiger and commitment with life and their goals.
The Mask Maker is a artificer, he likes to sculpt and create objects for the other monks. He's very skilled in putting spiritual energy on the equipments he crafts, equipments that helps in a vary of situations the monks face.
Though his scary appearence, he's very gentle, but just very quiet."
The Fighter
Now, I wanted to give attention to the martial arts that the monks use. They use tiger like movements combined with their flame power.

This time I was pretty certain on what I wanted, so I just did two sketches before the final design
Final design

"The Hatred Born fight with a type of martial arts inspired by the movements of the tigers, together with spiritual flames, a type of energy that burn evil itself from spirits and humans, and if they want, burn in a physical way too. They can shapeshift flames into weapons and undo it, dissolving what they made into flames again."
The Priest, the last design on the project and the one I think I had most fun doing it
I really went for it with variations this time. The idea for the Priest were that he is a child with prosthetic arms adopted by the Mask Maker. He were given the priest role because of the strong spiritual pressure inside of him.
After so many variations, I decided on the last one I did that combined a little of every design into it. I really liked the first pointy hat that I did, but to show the bond between the Priest and the Mask Maker, I decided to put on tiger ears on his hood to resemble the Mask Maker's hat
Final Design

"The priests are the group of monks that guides spirits to peace in the afterlife. They have the hability to use the blue flames. Opposite to the flames that other monks use, the blue flames doesn't hurt and only affects spirits, giving them a warm feeling of realization and balance.
One of these priests was a child rescued by the temple, he proved himself to be very skilled from the beginning, in martial arts and dealing with spirits, given the fact that he had no arms since he was born. The Mask Maker grew close to the child priest, seeing him as his son, and crafted a wooden arm specifically for him in a act of affection. Now, using the spiritual pressure of the blue flames, he can move around his wooden arms with ease.
And with that, I finished the project, it was really fun and I pretend to make more monks in the future.
Hatred Born