Midgard Brewery is a startup project of a small brewery situated in Czech Republic. Midgard focuses on brewing crafted beer that brings its customers unforgettable experience due to high-quality ingredients used in the best possible brewing process. 

This brewery was looking for a name together with a whole visual identity to start their new business. The idea came pretty quickly as all the founders are big fans of mythology. We decided to focus the whole concept around mythology as such - nordic, greek etc. The name Midgard symbolises a huge sea snake from nordic myths. It's memorable, it's punchy and it perfectly reflects the vibe of this brand's character.
Each beer label must have it's own character. I did that by focusing on illustrations, taglines and colour combinations to enhance the beer type and alcohol percentage. The illustration were done on iPad in iArtbook and are done in linocut like style, to highlight the roughness.
Midgard Brewery

Midgard Brewery
