The image is divided into two distinct halves:
Upper Half: In this portion, we witness a chaotic and destructive scene. Buildings are engulfed in flames, and ominous creatures with red eyes hover above them. The sky is painted in shades of red and black, signifying danger and impending doom. At the center of this half stands an imposing building, its gothic structure merging with the flames and malevolent beings.
Lower Half: Here, we encounter a peaceful urban landscape. Skyscrapers rise under a calm blue sky. Between these two worlds, mysterious water flows, acting as a divider between opposing realities.
This duality suggests an intriguing narrative: two interconnected universes, each with its unique energy and significance. The building serves as a focal point, bridging these contrasting realms through the water. Perhaps this water symbolizes the boundary between chaos and serenity, where the sword/building plays a crucial role in maintaining harmony or fueling conflict between these extremes.



Upside-down In this desolate realm, shadows reign supreme, casting a pall over humanity's demise. Artwork made with ink pens and colored pencils Read More
