Media Platform
A Permanent or Portable Platform for Bleachers
I designed the media platform product to fill the market’s need for a stable platform that would enable teams and media to safely record sporting events from a telescopic bleacher. I developed two designs to facilitate different needs:  a permanent installation for the top level of the bleacher that enables the unimpeded opening and closing of the bleacher, and lighter portable version which allows the facility personnel to place the platform anywhere on the bleacher.
Permanent Media Platform modeled with the bleacher in use. 
Image was rendered and modeled in Autodesk Inventor
Permanent Media Platform modeled with the bleacher closed.
Portable Media Platform modeled on an open bleacher.
Permanent Media Platform installed on an open bleacher
Permanent Media Platform installed on a closed bleacher.
Portable Media Platform ready for use.
Media Platform

Media Platform

Media Platform for telescopic bleachers
