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Book design and custom bookmark

A huge encyclopedia about tea authored by tea entrepreneur and researcher
Sergey Shevelev. I took part in the project as an art director and designer.
What kind of geography can be without maps? So I designed them.
On the maps, we marked the mountains where tea grows and the villages where it is made. They also gave brief information about each mountain: height, soil, average temperature and more. The terroir is very important for tea. And it is written about the villages in the text.

In addition to the terroir, tea is greatly influenced by technology. So we made detailed infographics indicating the stages of tea processing, illustrated them with photos and indicated the duration of each stage.
For me, it was the first book I made. That's why I decided to make custom bookmarks. I did the author's calligraphy for them with an Automatic pen and walnut ink and manually cut out the seal at the top: my personal Chinese seal and the moychay sign
I managed to test everything in real life...It just works!
Thanks for watching! 

Book design and custom bookmark

Book design and custom bookmark
