Diri is a risk analysis application developed to ensure safety in the Swedish factory setting. Collaborating with our customers, we've created an easy-to-use app for the workplace.
Extensive testing, proof of concept, iterations, and research were integral to this project, ensuring alignment with the specific needs our customers desired.
The application is designed for field workers and office observers, providing a live feed to ensure worker safety and accurate measurements for a secure workspace.
It's crafted to allow the creation of work orders, where you can document environmental risks and conduct your own analysis. If encountering unfamiliar tasks or if something is forgotten, the app provides guidance, outlining the necessary measures and equipment for task completion.
"The work orders and risk analysis are designed to be as easy as possible, encouraging workers to complete them consistently to ensure safety in the work area.
When working on this project, I had the opportunity to collaborate with developers, ensuring that each step is easy to understand and executed, facilitating smooth handovers and mitigating misunderstandings.
Diri - Risk Analysis

Diri - Risk Analysis
