Over 20 years at IBHS, I learned to guide projects from initiation to completion, while respecting and honoring the needs of various stakeholders.
In 2010, IBHS required a fresh look to accompany the opening of its world-class Research Center. I crafted a mark that can exist with and without the organization’s name. The final design (featured above) includes both a home and business; the peak pointing up and left is a nod to the unique shape of the IBHS Research Center.
I directed multi-camera video shoots for use in media outreach for five major media demonstrations. 

We received national attention and spots on major outlets:
Commercial High Wind - CBS Evening News
Hail Demo - This Old House
I was invited to collaborate with the architect and interior designers to achieve the desired atmosphere at the IBHS Research Center. We wanted to embrace the heavy industrial elements inherent to the campus, while creating a modern, inviting atmosphere for staff and guests.

A rotating collection of images are displayed in lightboxes and line the hallway of the main lobby (above).

The entrance to the main test chamber is used as an opportunity to reinforce the branding through the use of color (below).
Disaster Safety Review, a print and online magazine, highlighted groundbreaking research conducted at the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.



Research That Leads to Stronger Buildings & Communities
