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Thibeault, Jer. Portfolio Part 1

                                          Thibeault, Jer - Portfolio
This photo was taken at the end of one of my capture classes near the begining of the first semester, and I really like it. The flower in this photo was taken with shallow depth of field to it, to pull the viewers eye right in, but it was also taken using the rule of thirds and an analogous color scheme, to give a "calmness" feel to this action. These methods combined make this a strikingly calm photo, which I am very proud of.
This photo was taken on a October morning, using an "S - Curve" theme to it, to give a calming effect of a journey one has to take, with the leaves blowing in the way to add a sensual feeling to it. The benches along the side of the path, give the user places to rest, or places to do something, but regardless, they lead to an end, or a goal. I like this photo because whats at the end could be good, or it could be bad. Its up to the viewer to decide where he or she goes from here.
This photo was taken during an overcast cloudy day, and the lady in this photo is placed in the rule of thirds as is her friend laying beside her. The leading lines from her eyes and the leading lines of the buidling behind her head, and the leading lines of the tiles on the floor all lead the same way, giving her and feeding her a contemplative look and feel to the photo. All these things and her being indigenous, give the feel of contemplating, or dreaming of being somewhere else. You could place these 2 beside a fire in the prairie at night, under the moonlight, and yeah... contemplative.
This photo was taken near the beginning of the semester. It was taken using the rule of thirds, to give a calming feeling to the photo. It was taken with a shallow depth of field to draw the viewers eyes right to it, and using the analogous color scheme to also promote this feeling of "calmness". A calming photo. 
I like photos that make you think. More over, I like photos that make you think "What's he thinking?" in the photo, or "What's he looking at?" even. This photo does both those things, and places the dog in a rule of thirds, and made black and white to give a calming feel to it. Man I dont know, but I know I love this photo. The dog in it, is a good boy. 
His name is Ace.  I call this photo "Ace Thinks".
This photo of the Vemy Bridge in Barrhaven, was taken using the "S - Curve" theme to it, of a journey one has to take, and made black and white to give a calming feeling to this journey. The bridge over the water, can give the viewer multiple view points to draw thier eye to. The journey over the bridge, and the bridge being an outspoken, tribute type bridge, give a feeling of stoicness to it, like "go here and go with meaning!". The journey under the bridge is unknown, or unseen. So it can be whatever the viewer adds to the photo, and all of this is calming either way. Calm from above, calm from below. I love this photo, as everytime I look at it, I see something else.
                                  Portfolio - Reflections of the Year so Far
The where am I going with all this. I tend to make my photos all give off a calming feeling to them. Contemplative, but calmingly contemplative. I like to use wildlife or fauna, shallow depths of field, black and white when the photo calls for it, to help give my photos the feeling that i'm feeling or the feeling of what the subject matter is feeling in the photo, Calmness, contemplatively so. 
I would like in the future, to use the equipment provided by the school to get different viewpoints, to and from the subject matter, be it wildlife in my time, or fauna in school time and or my time. This will help me get a feel and discover my feel for things. So far, I just think that the world needs to see my viewpoint. My thoughts, for what they're worth, and I need to discover how best to show it to them. My view points also include some street photography when necessary, as that's where I'm from and I have to show that part of life as well. 
My photos got better over the semester and my placing of things in photos, lighting, color schemes, all have made and will continue to make my photos better over time and in the future.
Thibeault, Jer. Portfolio Part 1


Thibeault, Jer. Portfolio Part 1
