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Sweetly Jewelry - Lifestyle Photo

Sweetly Jewelry - Lifestyle Product Photo 
Sweetly Jewelry is one of my favorite small businesses, with cute products ranging from makeup bags, to accessories, to even clothes and purses. As a lover of pink and cute things, my goal was to create a lifestyle image for two of the products in Sweetly Jewelry's bunny line. Being sure to embrace the pink croquette style. 
The image was shot in my room, and the biggest struggle was essentially the lighting. The natural lighting of the room and having the challenge of only using one light to add to my scene. 
It was suggested to really enhance the warm tones of the room to give really a warm and cozy feeling, because I really wanted to show the feeling of a girl getting home and dumping out her purse and just kicking back to talk to her friend. 
I draped a pink blanket over my pillows to make them more pink, and made sure to wear an all pink shirt so that way the products wouldn't get lost in my white bedsheets. I also placed my makeup closer to the products so that way they wouldn't be too distracting. 
I made sure the image was a little underexposed, but with that golden light from the room, and white light from the strobe, I feel like it almost makes this light pink kind of tint to the image. I feel like all the changes that I made really did make the image improved a lot. As for the strobe, I did 1/64, and the camera settings had an f stop of 20, an iso of 2000, and a shutter speed of 1/80
Also, I know the image looks grainy. But upon looking at the images that Sweetly Jewelry has posted, they do have a fair share of slightly grainy images. So I decided to go with it as more of a style choice, because I did really like it. I upped the exposure since the photo was underexposed, and made sure to also up the saturation so that the pink was more evident.
Sweetly Jewelry - Lifestyle Photo

Sweetly Jewelry - Lifestyle Photo


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