Hoax Illusion
Artist Statement

The Hoax Illusion is my point of view of the propaganda and unfull fill manifesto by politicians. This remediated art is to apply the dadaism concept that rejected the aestheticism of modern capitalists. That Has three different images that I used different types of coding to generate this visual such as Brain figure, Monkey figure, and the generate flower. In addition, the brain is the part I coded in the melting visual that shows the melted brain is symbolize solid to liquid in the meaning of sharing the solid ideology, and then it changes to the unnecessary action. Next, the monkey-generated art figure is a random line that I symbolize as suppression that kept an agenda secret from people. Lastly, I remediate the generate growing flower on top of the monkey skull is symbolize the proposing beauty of words and promises in the manifesto

Hoax Illusion


Hoax Illusion


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