Mariam Carim's profile

07| User Experience Design: Langue D'amour

User Experience Design:
Langue D'amour 
Project brief: 
The previous project required the design and development of a solution for a CI outcome. However, this project is about implementing the insights gleaned from the CI project for a UX/UI outcome. Students were asked to flesh out the core function of the app/site and focus on a specific user journey. As part of the project, students continued to conduct research, become familiarised with the ins and outs of UX/UI design, user journey mapping, design systems, wireframing/prototyping, user testing and the overall design process for screen.

Project deliverables:
1. A specific user flow (journey)
5. Process work (PDF submission)

Design strategy:

“When you like a flower, you just pluck it.
But when you love a flower, you water it daily.” - Gautama Buddha

We all possess the ability to love. Although many contemporary lifestyles may hinder the amount we practice love, the latent potential to express our affections resides within us. In a world where it is possible to become educated in absolutely anything with the click of a button, there are an abundance of resources to aid ones pursuit in the learning of any language. However, it is seldom we are reminded of how to speak the languages of love, arguably the most important of all.

The app “Langue D’amour” assesses its users’ love language and provides a helping hand as they navigate through their feelings via the app. The app then provides solutions from different cultures and religions in their respective languages. This opens the user’s mind to new ways of approaching love. This app is aimed at jetsetters 25 years of age and older. These users are willing to explore until they gain an all encompassing perspective on love.

When using “Langue D’amour”, users create a profile through process of answering personal questions, “Langue D’amour” is then able to use its algorithm to cater an explore page specifically for them. Once the user is signed in, they are asked for the language of love they desire to be spoken to in. Based on that, they are given a range of emotions to choose from and asked to pick the one closest to what they are feeling. The user is then given a quote, phrase or proverb in another language and from a culture foreign to them to help them get through the way they are feeling. The user can then continue to the home page where they will find how the people express love in the country of the day as well as activities and practices that can teach them express self love in general.
Colour palette
How it works:
Home page:
The "tell us how you feel" feature:
The "quote of the day" quality: 
07| User Experience Design: Langue D'amour

07| User Experience Design: Langue D'amour


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