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HSI Global - Petlicity rebrand Illustrations

Within the company HSI, 6 brands have been developed since the company came together in 2016. One of the most recent brands, Petlicity is a pet accessories brand portrayed through fun colours, text and cheeky pet illustrations, helping to both contextualise and bring the products to life. 

Since working with the company, this brand has gone through a creative refresh, after seeing the assets in situ the decision was made to incorporate more secondary colours, reduce the amount of lifestyle imagery being used (allowing for the illustrations to help the product speak for itself) and a complete refresh of the illustrations used and how they interact with the imagery. 

This was a team effort, I was only involved in a small portion of this but has been one of my favourite projects with the company to date. I was given the task of experimenting to create new illustrations in a given style and how to make them work with the products. 

To create a good range, I was given a list of different animals which we cater products for. From cats, small through to large dogs as well as rodents and birds. 
The aim of these illustrations is to have as little detail as possible, they are minimal and suggestive. The aim was the more information we could portray using a single line the better and helped the images look more cheeky! These were the designs I submitted but before using in the assets I would still look to simplify further. This was as much about playing with a range of poses to work with product angles as well as getting to know the desired style.
Every illustration where the animals eyes are open have been created exactly the same. Even if this isn’t true to the animals anatomy. This is something the senior designer created at the start and wanted to keep consistent across all the illustrations to keep them uniform and part of a collection. In time we hope it creates a recognisable feature of the Petlicity brand.  
Illustrations as assets in Situ:
HSI Global - Petlicity rebrand Illustrations


HSI Global - Petlicity rebrand Illustrations
