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How can diabetes affect your oral health?

How can diabetes affect your oral health?
Diabetes is the presence of too much glucose in the blood. This is the leading cause of many infections, predominantly of the teeth and gums. Diabetes can become the cause of pain and soreness in the gums, jaws, tissues, teeth, and tongue. People often wonder how diabetes gets invariably linked to teeth problems and opt for Dental Implants 91355.

The fact is that when diabetes is at an advanced stage, it leads to an increase in the glucose content of the mouth. This glucose content is the highest in the saliva leading to the formation of bacteria in the mouth. This bacterium creates a sticky layer on the tooth that builds up with time. The result is bad breath, cavities, gum diseases and tooth decay.
The periodontal diseases

The most common form of teeth problem faced by diabetics around the world is Periodontitis. It is an infection that develops in the gum and in the bone that holds the teeth in place.  If the blood glucose level is left unchecked, it can lead to worsening of the periodontal disease.

In this disease, gaps form between the gum and teeth which get filled with germs and pus with time. In the first stage after this problem hits you, chewing will become difficult. When the condition worsens, you will start losing your teeth. The only way to save you in this condition is to opt for dental implants 91355 as soon as possible.

The Candidiasis disorders
This is another major problem suffered by the patients with diabetes all over. This condition starts due to the attack of fungi that feed on glucose. These fungi attack the gums, roof of the mouth and tongue. These are red patches formed on all of these parts. You must immediately visit your dentist if this condition hits and persists. The dentist will give you anti-fungal medicines and dental implants in Valencia.

The plaque formation in teeth
As has already been said, patients with diabetes have the issue of the formation of plaque in the teeth. Plaque is the yellowish layer that forms due to an increase in bacterial activity in the mouth. This plaque hardens to form tartar in the mouth. Tartar is a substance that collects above the gum line. This condition called gingivitis is the first step of periodontitis. This infection is something that lasts long, and at times it leads to a diminishing of the body's ability to fight infections. This leads to falling out of your teeth in time.

Gum health is something that gets severely affected by diabetes. Many complications arise in the gums as a result of diabetes. The increase of glucose in the mouth leads to a soreness of the gums. The nagging issue faced is the pain in the gums that refuses to go away.

Ryan Stevenson is the author of this article. For more details about Botox in Valencia and Santa Clarita CA please visit our website:
How can diabetes affect your oral health?

How can diabetes affect your oral health?


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