In February, I traveled to Haiti to document the devastation from the 2010 earthquake and to visit several orphanages and schools. Not much has been done to rebuild.
Please remember Haiti...
Thomazeau, Haiti
Angels of Light School and Orphanage
Two young boys collecting water for their family. Somewhere near Thomazeau, Haiti.
A teenage girl stands inside the makeshift home she built with her brother over a year ago. She is now pregnant. Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
A mother that was force to give up her daughter due to health reasons. The child is currently in the process of being adopted by an american family where she can get the medical attention she needs.
Older children attend classes in large military-style tents. Angels of Light School and Orphanage. Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
A typical road outside Port-au-Prince.
A billboard advertising wireless internet overlooking a tent city. Port-au-Prince.
Outside Port-au-Prince Cathedral, Haiti.
An elderly man sitting on the roadside near Thomazeau, Haiti.
Thomazeau, Haiti.
A child cries in the street near Thomazeau, Haiti. Even with our translators help, we were unable to figure out what was wrong.
Work begins at an early age here. Everyone pitches in to collect the necessities to survive.
Haiti 2011

Haiti 2011

One year later. 2011.
