FAirfield Community Care Farm - Logo
In 2022, I offered to create a logo for a farm near me that was planning to offer its services to the community as a care farm for mental health. The owner wanted it to incorporate the farm's original use as a RAF landing strip, as well as the animals they care for on the farm. It also needed to be clear enough that it could be embroidered onto clothing like shirts and jumpers. At the time, I had no access to applications like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, instead creating them in Windows Sketchbook, so the original was quite poorly done. However, the client seemed quite happy with it either way.
In 2023, as part of an ongoing portfolio project, I recreated the logo as I now had access to these types of applications. I didn't want to stray too far from what the client had originally asked for the year prior, but using Adobe Suite made everything much more refined and allowed me to apply aspects I couldn't before, like using the Warp option to allow the text to follow the curve of the logo.
Aside from the Warp option, other aspects I did change included:
- creating a version with the text inside the border
- using different colour text
- rearranging the positioning of the animals
FAirfield Logo

FAirfield Logo
