Kyle Christy's profile

Nostalgia Collection

Nostalgia Project
Oh how we grow.
It is amazing how much time changes individuals. I feel like as I evolve and grow as a person I grow even more as an artist (if you use the term artist lightly). Photography has always been a relaxing experience for me, starting off I used it more as an excuse to go out with my friends, and I think I wanted to be an artist and fit in more than I actually had a passion for art. My friends and I (who were all into photography before me, I took a film class my sophomore year and did not pick up a camera again until I was 19) would go out at 10 or 11pm and take photos until the early hours of the morning. Looking back at this, I feel like it was more of an excuse to go out late, smoke too many cigarettes, drink a copious amount and cause mischief with my friends, it gave me a sesne of belonging, a chance to be "rebellious", something I could do that was mine and made me feel special. I would not trade these days for anything, as they meant and still mean the world to me, however, I am glad I am who I am now. I am working full time, struggling to pay my bills, trying to decide what I want to do with my life, and yet despite all of the difficulties I have never felt more motivated to do art, or more motivated to further my skills and develop my own style (even writing this I am wishing that I could write with more eloquence, and in a way that did justice to the modicum of intelligence that I do possess, as a kid who barely graduated highschool and has only sought knowledge as an adult, so add another goal to the list, "become a better writer").

This "project" is merely a back log of my old art work, I have only really been doing photography for 3-4 years now, some of this stuff was taken the very first night I got my first DSLR, the rest is a scattered mess of various photos I have taken over the years, some I am happy with, others I am not, however me being able to see them will motivate me further, and let me compare how I grow, it will also let others see my growth and how my style has evolved/is evolving (because despite me being slightly egocentric at time, I can also be rather insecure and doubt myself, so I tend to seek external validation from others).

Enjoy this collection, some photos are good, few are great, but the majority and pretty bad, however they are all part of my journey to grow into the artist and person I want to be. Check back frequently as I am going to be pumping out quite a bit of new art (not just photography) in the next few months.

Blue Scholars - "The Ave"
(Reminds me of the time that many of these were taken)
Here are some photos from my first night with my DLSR, shot all on manual, despite having no idea what I was doing.
Portland Oregon, the city of far too many bridges.
Decay, something so natural and simple, yet complicated and beautiful.
Political shots for a digital photography class I took.
The power of nature is unmatched, it can destroy everything we create. One of the most resilient forces I have ever seen.
This is my city, my home.
First time ever trying to take photos of people, this was a fun night.
Ross Is Br. That place has been a getaway and hangout spot for me and my friends for about 3 years now, some amazing times have been had there.
Train yards, the young delinquent's place of choice to paint, smoke, drink and shoot photos.
Washington Park, we spent many nights here, and got kicked out almost every time.
The masked man, these are some of the only good photos I have ever taken of people.
Here it is, probably one of the best photos I have ever taken.
Nostalgia Collection

Nostalgia Collection

Various photos from the past few years.
