Cake Delivery App
Philco Bakery 
Philco Bakery is dedicated to providing fresh and mouth-watering baked foods since 1972. Right from bread loafs to cookies and breakfast pastries, they house it all.  Hence, they strive to offer only the best of everything, prepared in clean and hygienic bakery space. This has made them grow into one of the largest dealers of cake and bakery products. They would like to offer same day delivery of cakes in certain areas and also provide flexible delivery times to accommodate customers' schedule. 
                                                                                                                    Project Overview
Research: Conducted user research to understand their problem and solving the issue as well as gathering feedback from current customers to identify areas for improvemnt in the existing market share.

Goal and Objective: Identify the goal and objective of the redesign project, such as improving user experience, increase conversations and enhancing brand loyalty.

Design and Development : Developing wireframes and mock-ups of the app using ahile methodologies.

Testing: Conduct the rough testing of the new app to ensure that it is free of bugs and that all features are functioning correctly.
My Role
User Persona
User Flow
Useability Test
User Interview
Competitive analysis
Visual Design
UI/UX Design
                                                                                                                              Tools Used
Adobe Photoshop

Persona and Competitor analysis
The results from the user survey suggested that there were several types of users with diverse needs. It provided sufficient information to create 3 provisional user personas:
Before jumping off to the sketching phase I researched the existing market offerings with similar solutions to identify best practices and missing pieces. I applied heuristic evaluation principles for identifying usability pain points in current contexts — to make them addressable and solvable. I collected actionable insights on creating an effortless user experience.
Information Architecture 
 Wireframe Design of the App website
Wireframe Design of the Mobile App
Colors and Typography
Final Prototype
Usability Testing and Heuristic Evaluation
Cake delivery

Cake delivery
