
(n.) the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.

Welcome to project:sonder;, a passion project that is meant to get me out of my perfectionist mindset and try new styles within my editing.
project:sonder; is composed of multiple volumes, the oldest volume will be at the bottom of this page.
project:sonder;volume 2 [autumn rocks!]
Below is project:sonder;volume 2 [autumn rocks!], videographed by me during a weekend bouldering session in which I also helped organize. These videos were taken on the same day as "monkey bash!". Some of the process in creating this video can be seen below. I also do all my own sound design and focus on audio heavily in my projects.
While designing the paper, I had some challenges with animating. This was until I got into a flow and decided how I wanted to diversify the paper strips. I didn't want them all to be the same so I made some more choppy, some smoother, etc. Each one is unique and na
animating 3d paper
I also enjoy playing around with 3D lighting layers, as it can completely change the environment and development of a project and make it feel more organic. Ontop of this, my overall approach to 3D is organic animation. I try to make it feel like WE are the viewer, not a camera. I put the camera in and out of focus sometimes on purpose, I zoom in a tiny bit occasionally, I sway the camera to appear as a head swaying, I add a vignette or edge blur to make the image more focused on the center or appear as if the camera has a peripheral, and my CC and LUTS tend to keep it realistic and only enhance pre-existing images. All of these tiny changes add to the organic feel, and give a bit of insight into the thoughts and creativity even with a smaller project such as this.
Below are screenshots from different stages in the project to show a bit of the process in editing something like this where I don't really have a direction, but am just creating. This includes text, transitions, visual effects, overlays, sound design, 3D cam and design, etc.
project:sonder;volume 1 [winter's end]
Below is project:sonder;volume 1 [winter's end], in which I attempted to edit in a 1080x1920 aspect ratio and made all of this in 1 day. I enjoy creating projects like this mainly for myself as I like looking back on my life and different eras.
Volume 1 can be accessed here
Volume 2 can be accessed here


