Sato Art 28's profile

2023.10.29 - BOGO-IA - Reto Fakemon - SatoArt28

2023.10.29 - BOGO-ƍA

PokƩmon Mediador
Tipo: Acero/Volador

DescripciĆ³n: Aprovechando su considerable tamaƱo, son numerosos que deben dispersarse por toda la regiĆ³n para brindar energĆ­a en las zonas oscuras y supervisar la seguridad tanto a las personas como a los pokĆ©mon que habitan ahĆ­. Si detectan un conflicto, el mĆ”s cercano al Ć”rea vuela a toda velocidad para mediarlo.

InspiraciĆ³n: En la propuestas sobre las aplicaciones prĆ”cticas de los distintos medios tecnolĆ³gicos que un candidato a la alcaldĆ­a de la ciudad donde procedo ha tenido presente.


Mediator PokƩmon
Type: Steel/Flying

Description: Taking advantage of their considerable size, they are numerous to be dispersed throughout the region to provide energy in dark areas and monitor the safety of both people and pokƩmon living there. If they detect a conflict, the one closest to the area flies at full speed to mediate it.

Inspiration: In proposals on the practical applications of various technological means that a mayoral candidate in the city where I come from has had in mind.

Ā© SatoArt28

2023.10.29 - BOGO-IA - Reto Fakemon - SatoArt28


2023.10.29 - BOGO-IA - Reto Fakemon - SatoArt28
