908 video's profile

Frequenz - Power reimagined.

Power reimagined.

Our 908 team has created this explainer video for and with Frequenz, a Berlin based company that empowers enterprise developers with innovative tools to orchestrate Decentralized Energy Resources (DERs) efficiently. Managing DERs like solar, wind, hydro, battery storage, EV chargers and more is key for the future of energy. These so-called microgrids can be operated by AI-accelerated controllers and their platform whilst connected to various energy markets for risk diversification, significant savings and maximum efficiency.

Client Frequenz
Project Management Carlos de Brito
Creative Direction Dylan Cromwell

Production Stephan Hartmann & Steffen Baumgart
Creative Direction Stephan Hartmann & Hendrik Woitkowiak
Art Direction/Animation Direction Hendrik Woitkowiak
2D & 3D Animation, Shading, Rendering, Compositing Stephan Wachtberger
2D Animation Michael Flechsenhar
Storyboard Daniel Zat
Voice Over Artist Chiyoko Szlavnics
Sound Kai von Glasow

Production by 908

Frequenz - Power reimagined.

Frequenz - Power reimagined.
