KORA Fruit bowl
Design a fruit bowl for a target group that includes young people, their interest in modern design and simplicity of form with hints of tradition through form and decoration.

This design project centers around creating a fruit bowl specifically tailored to the preferences of people who appreciate modern design and love for lemons.

KORA is a juicy blend of modern design, simplicity, tradition, and the love for lemons. The fruit bowl's design is inspired by the fluid and organic shape of lemons and peel, so bowl itself becomes a symbol of the fruit it holds. 
It has gentle curves of a lemon, creating a visually harmonious and inviting form.
By integrating the principles of Feng Shui and the symbolism of 9 lemons, the fruit bowl becomes more than just a functional object; it becomes a source of positive energy and a symbol of harmony within the living space. The design concept fosters a sense of 
well-being and balance, making it an enriching addition to any home.

Fruit Bowl
Academy of Fine Arts
Department of Product design
Industrial design I
Mentor: Prof. mr. Salih Teskeredžić
Sarajevo, 2021.
KORA Fruit bowl


KORA Fruit bowl
