This name means school bag in arabic language. 
During my 4L TROPHY humanitarian experience, I noticed issues in the logistic and in the delivery of donations. All the participants in this events are asked to bring school furnitures for children of the desert. The problem is that since everybody brings different things, in order to avoid inequality at the end, they are controlled and some of them remain unused. 
My idea of a school bag made of bamboo was to give the same school bag for every child. Since there is a limited space inside, all children will have same number of pencils, rules, rubbers, notebooks ... Moreover, after its opening, the bag turns into a table and a support for pencils. This school bag is also a table and a storage for school furniture.
Each participant of the 4L TROPHY event could receive this bag, fill it and bring it to Morocco desert. Bamboo is a light and strong material.
An etiquette allow each children to write their name on it.


The aim of 4L TROPHY is to bring school furniture to Morocco children but at the arrival, it become a mess and after a selection, a lot of furnit Read More
