Equator Geo is a global provider of geospatial and location intelligence services, with a wide range of clients in industries such as oil and gas, telecommunications, and transportation. The company's website had become outdated and was not effectively communicating the full range of services and capabilities the company offered. 

The goal of the redesign was to create a modern, visually appealing website that effectively communicated the company's expertise and capabilities in the field of geospatial and location intelligence services. The website needed to be easy to navigate, showcase the company's projects and case studies, and be optimized for search engines.

We began by conducting research on the geospatial and location intelligence industry, as well as reviewing the existing Equator Geo website and its competitors' websites. We also conducted interviews with stakeholders at Equator Geo to gain a better understanding of their business objectives and target audience.

Based on our research and stakeholder interviews, we developed a user persona that represented the company's target audience - business executives and decision-makers in industries such as oil and gas, telecommunications, and transportation.
We then created a site map and wireframes that reflected the new content structure and functionality of the website. We focused on creating a visually appealing design that emphasized Equator Geo's services and projects, and provided clear calls-to-action throughout the website.

We also optimized the website for search engines, ensuring that the content was relevant and contained relevant keywords.

The redesigned Equator Geo website successfully achieved its goals. The website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and effectively communicates the company's expertise and capabilities. The site showcases Equator Geo's projects and case studies, which are organized by industry, making it easy for visitors to find relevant information.
The website is optimized for search engines, resulting in increased traffic to the site and improved search engine rankings. Equator Geo has reported increased interest from potential clients, and the website has become an effective tool for lead generation.

The Equator Geo website redesign was a success, resulting in a modern, visually appealing website that effectively communicates the company's expertise and capabilities. By understanding the target audience and optimizing the website for search engines, we were able to create a website that generates leads and improves the company's online presence.

User Persona

Name: Mark Wilson
Age: 45

Vice President of Operations for a major oil and gas company

Mark has been in the oil and gas industry for over 20 years, starting his career as a field engineer before moving up the ranks. He has extensive experience in managing and optimizing oil and gas operations, as well as expertise in geospatial and location intelligence services. Mark is responsible for overseeing his company's exploration and production activities, and is always looking for new ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Goals: Mark's primary goal is to increase efficiency and reduce costs in his company's oil and gas operations. He is interested in geospatial and location intelligence services as a way to optimize field operations and improve decision-making. He wants to find a provider that can offer customized solutions to his company's unique needs, and is willing to invest in a provider that can demonstrate expertise and reliability.

Challenges: Mark is a busy executive with limited time to research and evaluate different geospatial and location intelligence service providers. He needs a provider that can clearly communicate their capabilities and value proposition, and can demonstrate success in working with similar clients in the oil and gas industry. Mark is also skeptical of new technologies and needs to be convinced that the investment in geospatial and location intelligence services will yield a significant return on investment.

How Equator Geo can help: Equator Geo can provide customized geospatial and location intelligence solutions that are tailored to Mark's company's unique needs. Equator Geo can demonstrate expertise and success in working with clients in the oil and gas industry, providing case studies and testimonials that show the impact of their services. Equator Geo can also provide clear and concise information on the benefits of geospatial and location intelligence services, and can work with Mark to develop a business case that demonstrates a clear return on investment.

Empathy Map for Equator Geo:

"I need to find a geospatial and location intelligence services provider that can help us optimize our operations."
"I'm not sure how geospatial and location intelligence services can help us, but I'm open to learning more."
"I'm concerned about investing in new technologies that may not yield a significant return on investment."

"I need to find a provider that can offer customized solutions to our unique needs."
"I want to work with a provider that has experience and success in the oil and gas industry."
"I'm willing to invest in geospatial and location intelligence services if I can be convinced of the value."

Conduct online research to identify potential geospatial and location intelligence service providers.
Attend industry conferences and events to learn about new technologies and trends.
Schedule meetings with potential providers to learn more about their services and capabilities.
Request case studies and testimonials from potential providers to evaluate their success in working with similar clients.

Frustrated with the current state of operations and the need for improved efficiency.
Anxious about investing in new technologies that may not yield a significant return on investment.
Open to learning more about geospatial and location intelligence services and how they can help improve operations.
Interested in finding a provider that can offer customized solutions and demonstrate expertise and success in the oil and gas industry.
Equator Geo

Equator Geo


Creative Fields