Nicolò Mora's profile

Mermaids: Collection

Mermaids: Collection is a little collection of two digital art pieces made by me.
This project features two intricately crafted mermaid artworks, each accompanied by dedicated poetry to immerse the observer and provide a unique perspective.
The essence of this collection lies in its monochromatic presentation, reminiscent of the medieval concept of lithography. 
The deliberate absence of color serves to emphasize the timeless and enigmatic qualities of these mythical creatures, as the linework is achieved through the simulation of wax crayon, pastel, or similar greasy and porous mediums. 
This technique enhances the grotesque and expressive contours, further immersing the viewer in the mysterious world of mermaids.
The Red Mermaid is an illustration inspired by the mythological figure of the Siren, with some elements from “The Little Mermaid”, the story written by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. 
The composition is influenced by the iconography of San Sebastian.
“I look back at what I used to call home,
the sea
my body, stabbed by invisible arrows
is slipping away,
tormented by the words of the men
I thought once loved me.
and I feel the ground under my fin melt
I wish I could melt.
I look back at what I used to call home,
the sea.”
The Black Mermaid is a grotesque illustration that takes inspiration from the imaginary of the Grimm Brothers, the Middle Ages and the gothic appeal.
“Deep deep into the forest I go
To my heart’s desire,
dreaming of a place
where I can finally 
Beneath the waters, shadows of
what was once,
lost forever.
Deep deep into the forest I go
To the abyss of the seas, 
dreaming of a place
where I can finally
Mermaids: Collection


Mermaids: Collection

Mermaids: Collection is a little collection of two digital art pieces made by me. This project features two intricately crafted mermaid artworks, Read More
