Lisa Parsons's profile

Rogue River Day 5 Tate Creek

Mule Canyon, Blossom Bar, clouds coming in, and making cake in the dutch oven.  What more could we ask for.  Today was a day for squirrelly water, a class III rapid with class V consequences, and our last night on the river. 
Morning at Mule Creek.
Masa's great sleeping spot.
Good morning river.
The ominous cloud sighting. 
Taz running through the Rogue River Ranch meadow.
Taz i the tall grass.  He brought home 22 ticks from the river.
Camp from the river ranch bench.
Bill's sleeping spot.
Just hanging out enjoying the float.
Happy dog!
Entering Mule Creek Canyon.  Looks o.k from here.
The canyon narrows forces all the river water through the narrow canyon creating some crazy hydraulics.
Second swim for Greg.  I knew better.  I've oared that same section and decided I didn't want to kayak it.
Falls along the canyon.
Steep and deep.
Greg, Clayton, and Masa at the falls.
So that is how high the river can get during flood stage.
For perspective.
Jerry's Rogue jets.  Fun, noise, and the easy way to see the river.
More beautiful falls along the river.
Heading down to run Blossom Bar.
Blossom Bar.
Scouting Blossom bar.
Osprey across from camp.
Indiana David.
Bill making dinner in our mobile kitchen.  Having enough food on the river is never a problem.
Dutch oven cooking.
Looking a little tired.
Sustanance for the kid (o;
Masa and Bill teaching Clayton the technique for dutch oven cooking.
Evening fire.
Dutch oven cake!  Pinapple upside down cake.
Rogue River Day 5 Tate Creek

Rogue River Day 5 Tate Creek

Photo documentary or our 5 river trip down the Rogue River in Oregon.


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