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Choosing the Right Metadata Repository Software

Choosing the Right Metadata Repository Software

Metadata, in simple terms, is information about other data. Music metadata provides the details corresponding to a musical work, such as artist name, producer, writer, song title, release date, and more, used to identify the rightsholders of the work. 

What is the need to organize metadata?

The right metadata is important to collect and distribute royalties to the right musicians or artists. Every time there is misspelled, incomplete, or incorrect data, it leaves behind money on the table considered as unclaimed or black box royalties. This leaves a gap in the artist's careers with no fair compensation.

The benefits of using metadata repository software in the music/audio-visual industry:

1) Centralized data management:
Metadata repository tool offers a centralized location to store and manage music or audio-visual metadata. This ensures that all information, such as track details, artist information, and other data, is easily accessible and up to date.

2) Efficient metadata entry: Music professionals can enter and update metadata in a standard manner using technology and automation, reducing the risk of errors and inaccuracies in data. This consistency is vital for royalty calculations, licensing, and rights management.
3) Version control: The software should be able to track changes to metadata over time, allowing users to access previous versions of records. This is crucial for auditing and maintaining a historical record of changes.

4) Licensing: Industry professionals can easily manage and track licensing agreements for music work. Metadata helps track which songs are available for licensing and under what terms, simplifying the licensing process.
5) Rights and Royalties management: An efficient metadata repository software keeps track of music ownership, rights, and royalties’ information. This is crucial for ensuring that songwriters, publishers, artists, and other stakeholders receive their fair share of royalties for music usage.

Is Noctil the right fit for you?

Noctil offers a no-code platform that uses AI/ML technology to help the music and audio-visual industry meet their metadata management needs. We offer all the above features to help amateur and established musicians produce more music. Musicians and Artists should be paid for their deserved rights so that they can produce more music, and Noctil believes that songs and audiovisuals help humanity and make it a better place.
This software is for those who:

1) Are working with old-style worksheets such as Excel and are tired of manually validating and correcting the metadata and need a process change
2)If you want to easily transform huge volumes of data into different formats or standardize your data format to CWR or DDEX.
3)Want to organize your data and have quality and complete metadata
4)Have a centralized tool to help you with matching, de-duplication, royalty calculations, etc., that will help improve royalty distributions
5)Want to implement the tool into your existing system within a week and cut down tech implementation costs by 80%

Want to give Noctil a try? Email us at to help us understand your requirements and get a trial run.
To know more:
Choosing the Right Metadata Repository Software

Choosing the Right Metadata Repository Software


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