Fruits & Flowers wall calendar

A corporate promotional wall calendar was designed and produced from scratch within about a month. The central concept was to represent each month with a combination of a fruit or a flower and different conditions of water such as fog, ice, snow etc.


January. Pomegranate frozen in ice.

February. Persimmon covered with snow.

March. Tulip under the water.

April. A misty lilia.

May. Peony flower covered with an early dew. 

June. Diving strawberies.

July. Hot summer night juicy peach.

August. Grape is like the amber - full of sun.

September. An apple in a puddle.

October. A lonely pear.

November. A foggy chrysanthemum.

December. Scent of the Christmas tangerine.
Fruits & Flowers wall calendar

Fruits & Flowers wall calendar

Corporate promotional wall calendar project was designed and produced from scratch within two months. Main concept was to represent each month wi Read More
