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Demystifying Teething Fever

Demystifying Teething Fever: A Guide for Parents
To provide your infant a sense of security and predictability throughout this stage, continue to follow your baby's usual feeding and sleeping schedules. Teething fever, while unsettling for parents, is a natural part of your baby's development.  While frightening for parents, teething fever is a normal phase of your baby's growth. You can ease your child through this stage with little fuss by knowing how to calm them and distinguishing between teething fever and illness. If you have any worries or inquiries about your baby's health, keep in mind that your pediatricians is your finest resource. As such, don't be afraid to contact them. You'll be better equipped to support your kid as they grow and develop as their teeth continue to erupt.
Demystifying Teething Fever

Demystifying Teething Fever
