This is my latest image of the Lagoon Nebula. This was my second attempt taking this deep sky object, my first time was with a Canon EOS M50 Mark II. It was my second picture taken with my first ever dedicated astronomy camera, the ZWO ASI533MC Pro. This picture is composed of 85 light frames, each 1 minute long at 200 gain, and was stacked with 49 bias frames.

I was afraid this image would come out poorly, as I had planned to image it for 3 hours but was cut short when it began to set behind an inconveniently placed street lamp. Several images were oversaturated with LED light, but with so many other good light frames the damage was negligible. In my opinion, this is the image that has advanced me from the beginner stage of astrophotography to the intermediate stage, as I have learned plenty and made many mistakes.
Lagoon Nebula

Lagoon Nebula
