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Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Surgery

The perception that cleft palates were more common in the past but are now less frequently seen may be influenced by several factors:
1. Improved Medical Care: Over the years, medical advancements and improved access to healthcare have made it easier to diagnose and treat cleft palates early in a child's life. Early intervention and surgical correction have become more accessible, reducing the prevalence of untreated cases.
2. Prenatal Care: Advances in prenatal care have allowed for earlier detection of potential birth defects, including cleft palates. This enables parents and healthcare providers to prepare for necessary medical care and surgical interventions before birth or shortly after.
3. Awareness and Education: Increased awareness about cleft palates, both among healthcare professionals and the general public, has led to better recognition and understanding of the condition. This has facilitated early referrals and treatments.
4. Global Efforts: Organizations like Mission Smile, as you mentioned, play a significant role in providing free cleft palate surgeries and care to children in need. Such initiatives have had a positive impact on reducing the burden of untreated cleft palates.
5. Genetics and Environmental Factors: While the exact causes of cleft palates are not always clear, research has uncovered genetic and environmental factors that can contribute to their development. Changes in these factors over time may also play a role in the observed trends.
It's important to note that cleft palates still occur today, but the combination of the factors mentioned above has led to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment, reducing the visibility of untreated cases. However, organizations like Mission Smile continue to play a vital role in ensuring that children with cleft palates receive the necessary care and support to lead healthy lives.
Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Surgery

Free Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Surgery
