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Gtech Multi Vacuum Animation

Bomper was engaged to create the new product launch animation for Gtech UK and their new innovative cordless hand-held vacuum cleaner. The solid model, CAD, was supplied by Gtech and a material finish specification as the unit was still in the development stages when we began. We were also supplied with a full storyboard and script which really helped define each shot and look of the 1.30min animation.

We began by converting the CAD models to Cinema 4D and applying the textures and Materials. Then we built the upright hoover basing it on several current competitor models and also modelling the sofa and adding materials. Then animated each section within a photographic stage setup to match the previous animation of the Gtech AirRam. There was quite a bit of R&D in getting the hose to correctly stretch and deform as due to the outer section being transparent the inner coil could be seen, using simple binding wouldn’t do as it would stretch the coils unrealistically so we created a rig with a helix, spline wrap and some xpresso to give full control to animate the hose and attach it to both ends.

Lighting most of the scenes was straight forward due to the previous work and only needed tweaking to give the right highlights on the multi. We did on this occasion need to create all of the X-ray sections, unlike the previous, so some time was taken to try and match the previous examples done by another agency. Once the animation stage was complete the files were then sent to a render farm and the output was compiled in AE along with adding in text and screen graphics. The files were sent to Gtech who then added the voice over.
Gtech Multi Vacuum Animation

Project Made For

Gtech Multi Vacuum Animation

he task was to create the new product launch animation for Gtech UK and their new innovative cordless hand-held vacuum cleaner. The solid model, Read More
