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Pet Peeves: Driving Distracted Marketing Campaign

Pet Peeves: Driving Distracted
Marketing Campaign
The goal for this campaign was to bring awareness towards the incredibly serious and dangerous consequences that could occur when young drivers, aged 16-25, use their phones while driving. After researching this major issue, I created a campaign name, message, design concepts, and a strategy for how and where I would campaign my ads.

Strategies used to branch out my campaign ads were through Public Relations, Direct Marketing and Personal Selling. Print and web platforms such as billboards located around secondary schools and colleges, social media posts, and at specific community events, were great ways to advertise directly to the target audience.

The first advertisement has an orange background to represent the colour of prison uniforms. It emphasizes the jail bars and car keys to demonstrate the effects that can happen when people drive while using their phones. The second advertisement uses a gory red background to symbolize blood and displays a broken phone that resembles a gravestone. The phone has a R.I.P. text to indicate a death has occurred from texting while driving.

Overall, this campaign was very eye-opening. I learned how important it is that young drivers are aware of their surroundings, put their distractions away and are in the right mindset to drive safely.
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Pet Peeves: Driving Distracted Marketing Campaign

Pet Peeves: Driving Distracted Marketing Campaign
